The Okaloosa County Board of County Commissioners approved a Mail Ballot Election to be held October 5, 2021. This election is for Okaloosa County voters NOT currently in the Tourist Development District (TDD) to vote on whether the TDD should be expanded to include all of Okaloosa County. This election will have no in-person voting option and will be conducted only by mail ballot. The Okaloosa County Supervisor of Elections office will mail ballots to all eligible voters beginning September 15 and concluding September 25, in accordance with 101.6103(1) F.S.
Please find special information about the Mail Ballot Election procedure below.
- An eligible voter is one who is registered to vote by Tuesday, September 7, 2021, and whose legal residence lies within the boundaries of Okaloosa County not currently included in the Tourist Development District.
- Voters should ensure that the Supervisor of Elections has their correct residence and mailing address in order to receive a ballot in a timely manner.
- Voters should update their signatures with the Supervisor of Elections if there has been any change, to ensure the signature on the ballot will match the one on file.
- By law, ballots will be mailed to all eligible voters on the 20th day prior to the election, September 15, but no later than the 10th day, September 25. Ballots will be mailed to absentee overseas voters no later than August 20, 2021.
- Section 101.6103(1) FS prohibits the forwarding of your Mail Ballot to an address other than your address on record with the election office. The Ballot will be sent to the address within the voting boundaries - outside of the Tourist Development District - unless you have a different mailing address on file. To check voting status for this election, and see a sample ballot, use the Voter Lookup at
- Ballots must be returned to the Supervisor of Elections no later than 7:00 pm on October 5, 2021, via mail or in-person delivery. To deliver in person, ballots must be dropped off before 7:00 pm to either the Supervisor of Elections Branch Office at 1250 Eglin Pkwy N, Ste 103, Shalimar, FL 32579, or Elections Headquarters at 302 N Wilson St, Ste 102, Crestview, FL 32536. TO BE VALID, ALL BALLOTS MUST BE RETURNED, SIGNED, AND SEALED INSIDE THE ENVELOPE PROVIDED.
- No polling place will be open on October 5, 2021; all voting is done by mail ballot.
- If a ballot is lost, destroyed, spoiled, or never received, voters may obtain a replacement ballot by requesting one from the Supervisor of Elections and completing an affidavit. No replacement ballots will be mailed after Saturday, September 25th, but voters may pick up ballots leading up to Election Day.
- Any voter needing election materials or assistance in Spanish, please call the Supervisor of Elections Spanish Assistance Hotline at (833)912-1626.
Cualquier votante que necesite materiales electorales o asistencia en español, por favor llame a la línea directa de asistencia en español del Supervisor de Elecciones al (833)912-1626.
- Voters with disabilities, or anyone wanting information or a ballot in an alternative format, should contact the Supervisor of Elections Office at (850)689-5600 or
For more information on the Mail Ballot Election from the Okaloosa County Board of County Commissioners, click here.
This section MUST be filled out on the return envelope or else the ballot will not count.